
Gestión Documental Open Source: Athento, Alfresco y Nuxeo

Open Source China, Open Source World
Open Source China, Open Source World (Photo credit: jaaron)
Muy bueno el artículo sobre gestión documental open source publicado por Adrián Macias de Dokumentalistas. En él se hace un detallado repaso a las soluciones de gestión de contenidos empresariales, el porqué usar las open source y porqué Athento tiene mucho que decir en este mercado.
También se ponen ejemplos concretos de ahorro de costes en clientes, tales como BBVA o la DGT, en los que soluciones basadas en open source unidas a Athento, en varias áreas de ECM como captura de documentos o software de gestión documental han permitido grandes ahorros.
La potencia y flexibilidad de las soluciones de código abierto están dando lugar a todo un mercado de soluciones potentes en distintos sectores, como los CMS, e-Commerce y los ECM, que empiezan a tener soluciones maduras y contrastadas en las que open source ha dejado de significar "riesgo" y empieza a ser el tipo de soluciones más adoptadas en cuanto a seguridad y robustez.


Naulu Engineering Systems: New Startup for the Swimming world.

Just recently I found through twitter that my old time buddy Aldo from "rival" swimming club has started a really cool project named Naulu Engineering Systems.
Naulu is a system for monitoring swimmers.
Their website looks just awesome, and they're located in the Tech Park of Andalusia, in the sunny & warm south of Spain.

Check out their project here, this a very hot project to invest in, as it solves a very unique problem, mixing both technology & sports.
I believe the woman in the videos is spanish olympic backstroker Duane da Rocha, one of the unique swimmers of Malaga, together with top swimmers María Peláez, Ana Belén Palomo, Guillermo Mediano and the likes.
It's a great mix because Malaga is a city with great swimmers, but also excellent tech schools (University of Malaga).

I'll keep you updated on this project. Good luck Naulu!!


Interview at the California Spain Chamber of Silicon Valley

A couple of weeks ago I was interviewed by the Spain California Chamber of Commerce in Silicon Valley. The chamber is a great organization for spanish entrepreneurs and also for spaniards working at companies like HP, Oracle, Google or the giants alike that are headquartered in the Valley.
I explain what we do, what problem our company solves and why we think we are going to make a difference in the document capture software space.

You can watch below the video, enjoy!

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