I was in a meeting today with the core Developers of our side in the Nuxeo 2010 project. For those of you that don't know, we are doing an R&D project with the Nuxeo company, funded by the EU.
The project is called Nuxeo 2010, should end at summer next year and we are working on semantic web and on the ubiquity of content (a rich client application to access Nuxeo from web devices, such as HTC or Nokia N97 mobile phones).
In the meeting of this evening, the guys presented us NTI (Nuxeo Thinks Itself), wich is the foundings of a real killer application that will let Nuxeo THINK.
Why would you want an ECM to think?
Well, to automate work and let it think for yourself or the people in your company.
For example, I want paper documents, like bills or receipts to be scanned (with a hardware device) and then automatically classified on a given folder, without someone doing this boring work.
Or I can drag & drop a document to Nuxeo, and the ECM will tell me: This document is usually used under "Workflow X" wich involves "Department Y" and "Client Z". Do you want to start the workflow? ( Y/N ).
Right now what we have is an ontology, and ways to relate documents between themselves through sets of rules determined by the organization using the system.
Take a look at the post, here at our blog:
To read it in English, just use the Google Translate box at the center left of the page.
I'm leaving in some hours to visit California during August and the first week of September. It would be neat to present this applications that we have in progress to ECM consultants in sunny California...
Semantic web technologies on Nuxeo ECM
Posted by
9:41 p. m.
Labels: document management, ECM, Nuxeo, Semantic Web
Un cliente
"La gente ahora está contenta"
Alberto Herrero, BNP Paribas.
Sobre el Gestor Documental y ECM Nuxeo implantado por Yerbabuena Software
Posted by
12:20 p. m.
Labels: BNP Paribas, Gestión documental, open source ECM, Yerbabuena Software
PDF viewer on Nuxeo!
I think we did it again, just one week after we showed our integration of Nuxeo in HTC Mobile Phones.
We got great developers, and they're showing it!!
Posted by
7:25 p. m.
Yerbabuena eRCP: JOCÁNTARO!!
Yerbabuena eRCP, the new beta, has been published in Yerbabuena's blog.
And there is a video with great music on it, taken from the movie "Kárate a muerte en Torremolinos". A must see ;-)
Technical details:
Posted by
12:11 a. m.
Notas sobre el FISL
En el blog de Lourdes Muñoz:
10 Foro Internacional de Software Libre
Los resultados son los esperados, y el impulso de gobiernos es importante para el SL. De todos modos, creo que va sobre ruedas, y muchas empresas ya nos hemos subido al carro y no nos pensamos bajar de él.
Posted by
11:38 p. m.
Nuxeo > Alfresco
Hi, thanks for the objective review, it really helped me choose, and btw, it is worth to mention here that Alfresco is not 100% open source (at least this is my point of view) as source code of updates and bug fixes is not disclosed to the community.
That's the last comment on the Alfresco vs Nuxeo: Open Source ECM review.
I'm glad many people are using the information wisely and that they understand that Alfresco is not a truly open source project, no matter what they say.
And if we speak about innovation, well, just wait and see.
Stay tunned!
Posted by
9:57 p. m.
Labels: alfresco, Nuxeo, open source ECM
We will be in Documadrid
We will be giving the first conference in the event Documadrid 09, the 21st of October in Madrid, in the "Meliá Galgos" Hotel.
Español: Documadrid 2009
This event will attract the most important companies related to document management in Spain, and customers etc.. with the interest in the latest technologies and products.
We are going to focus on Nuxeo, the applications that Yerbabuena is developing on top of it and in general about the innovation that Open Source is providing in the ECM and Document Management fields.
The organization, which also publishes the succesful "Revista de Gestión Documental" also cited recently our implementation of Nuxeo in one of the largest international education institutions in Spain, La Salle (over 600 centers, including top Universities).
Posted by
2:47 p. m.
Labels: document management, Open Source
We make a plugin that integrates Nuxeo and Thunderbird
Perhaps Thunderbird is your favourite software to handle emails. For sure Nuxeo is your favourite application to handle content, documents etc.
Both of them are open source, standards compliant, nice to work with... and now they are both integrated!
We just released a Beta plugin for Thunderbird that lets you save files into Nuxeo from Thunderbird, just by right-clicking on the attachment and selecting the workspace of Nuxeo where you want your document to be sent.
The video is in spanish, but it's pretty straight forward.
Please take a look!!
The whole story is on our blog:
Posted by
6:03 p. m.
Labels: document management, Nuxeo, Thunderbird