Nuestro partner Lakaut ha realizado un nuevo lanzamiento, en este caso una mejorada web en la que Athento (gestión documental y captura de documentos) no podía faltar.
De un tiempo a esta parte estamos en Miami con un foco importante en el mercado de Latam, que en materia de gestión documental y captura de documentos es un mercado con un crecimiento muy importante.
Igualmente estamos viendo como otros países como Colombia, México, Perú o Chile también se están mostrando realmente interesados en Athento.
Gestión Documental en Argentina: Nueva web de nuestro partner Lakaut
Posted by
8:07 a. m.
Labels: Argentina, athento, Lakaut, Miami, South America
Open Source: aún "fashion" en gestión documental y captura, y en CRM, y en... bueno en TODO.
Image via CrunchBase |
The blue/white elephant logo of the PostgreSQL RDBMS in SVG format. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Lo que parecía haberse perdido era el "mojo" del open source de cara a la industria del Venture Capital, pero recientemente (hará un par de días, vía el Linkedin de Larry Augustin, CEO de SugarCRM) descubrimos que Sugar levanta $40 millones de la mano de Golden Sachs.
40 millones es mucho más de lo que han levantado muchas empresas de software propietario (y no hablemos de abierto, no conozco ninguna ya que creo que Alfresco no llega a esos números contando la totalidad en la inversión).
Recientemente, hace un par de días, estuve en Guatemala en un evento para presentar nuestro software de captura de documentos ante la flor y nata de este "pequeño" pero precioso y acogedor país. Pues bien, desde la SAT (Hacienda) a su Cámara de Comercio (más de 4.500 empresas) están haciendo esfuerzos enormes en tecnología open, eliminando licencias de SQL Server y Oracle por doquier y tratando de generar un tejido productivo local.
Los modelos de suscripción, ya sean freemium, Cloud u On Premise son los que realmente están teniendo el interés del mercado B2B (Enterprise Software), pero es independiente en que su naturaleza sean tecnologías abiertas o cerradas. Por supuesto open para el cliente siempre debe ser un valor intrínseco, pero siempre a igualdad de condiciones.
El carácter open no es lo que ha hecho que Sugar levante $40 millones, es el producto en sí, la capacidad que tiene de competir con (el nicho de mercado del CRM en modo SaaS) etc. Pero a mi no deja de sorprenderme y alegrarme que un proyecto open source genere ese tipo de respaldo por parte de la industria financiera. Porque en el mundo VC ya nadie daba un duro por este modelo, y está claro que las cosas tampoco son así.
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Posted by
12:24 a. m.
Labels: alfresco, athento, Java, Linux, Nuxeo, Open Source, Venture capital
Software Selección, una web que no funciona
Pocas veces escribo posts en clave negativa, pero me parece relevante compartir mi experiencia en, ya que creo puede ayudar a otros emprendedores o empresas que se quieran publicitar y valoren este medio.
Primeramente, no sabíamos nada de SoftwareSeleccion hasta que nos contactaron, nos comentaron que entregaban leads (clientes potenciales) de gran calidad, que nos daban visibilidad en su web etc. (y esto último fue verdad).
Por último, y para el tema de los leads, directamente nos dijeron que cuando un lead no funcionaba (no que no compre, si no que no responda) te lo cambiaban.
Al grano:
Estuvimos 3-4 meses dados de alta en el portal, que pagamos religiosamente sin recibir ningún link ni ninguna petición.Pagamos por varios leads, algunos de empresas importantes como Aguas Andinas que querían en teoría implantar Athento como gestor documental, pero siempre pasaba lo mismo: el lead respondía lo justo para que ellos consideraran que era de la suficiente calidad como para pagarlo. Incluso en concreto con este lead de Chile, era muy curioso, ya que el cliente potencial pasaba de nosotros, y sin embargo cuando lo contactaban de SoftwareSelección (tras mis quejas) sí que respondía, y decía que no había recibido mis correos, forzándome incluso a utilizar Gmail para estar seguro de que no era yo (cuando todo el mundo recibe mis correos).
Total, un desastre, acabamos pagando a regañadientes, ya que a mi me daría vergüenza cobrar a alguien que se va completamente insatisfecho tras los servicios prestados. Menos mal que estoy viviendo y trabajando en USA, donde este tipo de cosas se suelen hacer sin que el cliente pida un reembolso.
Está el emprender y mantener un negocio, desarrollar nuevos mercados etc. lo bastante puto como para perder el tiempo con empresas de este tipo...
En fin, ya estáis advertidos, espero que a alguien le sirva. ;-)
Posted by
4:10 a. m.
Labels: AMD
Gestión Documental Cloud, en el Blog de Reddium
De la mano de nuestro partner Reddium Athento nos trae este artículo sobre gestión documental Cloud.
Algunos extractos:
La implantación de gestión documental es una opción que las empresas están valorando cada vez más por los beneficios que incorpora en su funcionamiento diario y por el consiguiente logro de rentabilidad a medio-largo plazo. Conforme la empresa crece, la producción de documentos aumenta considerablemente y su gestión se vuelve cada vez más compleja. Esto puede llevar al planteamiento de instalar un sistema de información que permita una adecuada gestión y recuperación de la documentación. El control de los documentos y el aprovechamiento de todo su contenido facilita la toma de decisiones empresariales y el aprovechamiento de todo su ‘know how’. Esto se traduce en una mejora en términos de rentabilidad y productividad. En resumen: Gracias a la gestión documental, las empresas logran crecimiento y progreso, se consolidan en su mercado y las mantiene como valores permanentes para sus clientes.
Las ventajas no solo son económicas (infraestructura, contratación y/o formación de personal y uso específico), si no que los beneficios que derivan de emplear la nube como entorno de trabajo se transfieren a las empresas, llegando a rentabilizar el tiempo y agilizando el ‘workflow’. Entre las nuevas oportunidades destaca el trabajo en movilidad, no solo porque podremos acceder a la documentación desde cualquier parte del mundo en el que haya un terminal con acceso a Internet, si no porque actualmente con los dispositivos móviles ya no hay barreras y frecuentemente los sistemas de gestión documental permiten el acceso móvil para realizar operaciones. Disponer de esta posibilidad supone abrir el horizonte de la empresa de forma ilimitada en tiempo y espacio y con ello allanando el camino al aumento de ganancias.
Podéis disfrutar todo el artículo en:
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8:07 p. m.
Labels: Business and Economy, document capture, Document management system, ECM Records, Government, Microsoft SharePoint, WebDAV, Windows
Time Zones for USA, Can and LatAm
The time zones for the different countries of America that we do business with (now from our new locations in Miami).
Enlarge, print it in your room and start setting dots where partnerships (or much better CUSTOMERS) are made.
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4:04 a. m.
Labels: Business and Economy, Coordinated Universal Time, Daylight saving time, Eastern Time Zone, Jet lag, Miami, TimeZone, United States
Visto por ahí, los emprendedores más influyentes...
Esta infografía sobre los emprendedores (o personas del mundo emprendedor) más influyentes la he visto hoy por Loogic y está bastante currada.
PD: por cierto es la primera vez que veo linkar a un contenido en Dropbox, en este caso un PDF. Desde luego no me parece la mejor forma de promocionar un contenido "SEO wise"...
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4:41 a. m.
Labels: Dropbox
Getting your series A mojo back
Another nice post from Mark Suster about getting your series A mojo back. Yes, your mojo, as in this pic:
I really like his writing style, so I recommend you to read his blogs. Really good advice on sales and marketing.
Enjoy, and please, fucking learn!
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8:21 p. m.
Labels: Big data, Business, Consulting, document capture, Document management system, ECM Records, Mark Suster, WebDAV
Document Management Can Be Fun!!
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5:19 a. m.
Labels: document capture, document storage, ECM
Muévete siempre al borde de la legalidad
Me ha encantado este post de Mark Suster sobre hacer las cosas sin pedir permiso, siempre habrá tiempo de disculparse luego.
No se trata de hacer cosas ilegales ni mucho menos, sino de dar hacer cosas sin estar constantemente esperando a la aprobación externa "social", que en muchos casos no se da nunca simplemente porque en la sociedad la mayoría de las personas son continuistas, actúan por inercia y no les gustan los riesgos o las apuestas fuertes.
Otro buen post del bueno de Mark en BothSidesOfTheTable:
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6:49 a. m.
Labels: Mark Suster, silicon valley, startups
Inversiones en startups españolas durante Junio
Varias startups han recibido una importante inversión este mes pasado de Junio. Aquí podéis echar un vistazo.
El movimiento de startups en España goza de buena salud, por supuesto los inversores son pocos y casi siempre los mismos, pero el sector de venture capital está creciendo.
Suerte a todos y esperamos tener grandes noticias de estos proyectos.
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2:29 p. m.
Labels: Angel investor, Business, Capital Access - Financing, Financial Services, Venture capital
Gestión Documental Open Source: Athento, Alfresco y Nuxeo
Open Source China, Open Source World (Photo credit: jaaron) |
También se ponen ejemplos concretos de ahorro de costes en clientes, tales como BBVA o la DGT, en los que soluciones basadas en open source unidas a Athento, en varias áreas de ECM como captura de documentos o software de gestión documental han permitido grandes ahorros.
La potencia y flexibilidad de las soluciones de código abierto están dando lugar a todo un mercado de soluciones potentes en distintos sectores, como los CMS, e-Commerce y los ECM, que empiezan a tener soluciones maduras y contrastadas en las que open source ha dejado de significar "riesgo" y empieza a ser el tipo de soluciones más adoptadas en cuanto a seguridad y robustez.
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3:36 p. m.
Labels: athento, BBVA, document capture, Document management system, Open Source
Naulu Engineering Systems: New Startup for the Swimming world.
Just recently I found through twitter that my old time buddy Aldo from "rival" swimming club has started a really cool project named Naulu Engineering Systems.
Naulu is a system for monitoring swimmers.
Their website looks just awesome, and they're located in the Tech Park of Andalusia, in the sunny & warm south of Spain.
Check out their project here, this a very hot project to invest in, as it solves a very unique problem, mixing both technology & sports.
I believe the woman in the videos is spanish olympic backstroker Duane da Rocha, one of the unique swimmers of Malaga, together with top swimmers María Peláez, Ana Belén Palomo, Guillermo Mediano and the likes.
It's a great mix because Malaga is a city with great swimmers, but also excellent tech schools (University of Malaga).
I'll keep you updated on this project. Good luck Naulu!!
Posted by
12:44 a. m.
Labels: Ana Belén Palomo, Guillermo Mediano, Malaga, María Peláez, Naulu Engineering Systems, Spain, Sports, Swimming, Water Sports
Interview at the California Spain Chamber of Silicon Valley
A couple of weeks ago I was interviewed by the Spain California Chamber of Commerce in Silicon Valley. The chamber is a great organization for spanish entrepreneurs and also for spaniards working at companies like HP, Oracle, Google or the giants alike that are headquartered in the Valley.
I explain what we do, what problem our company solves and why we think we are going to make a difference in the document capture software space.
You can watch below the video, enjoy!
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5:31 a. m.
Labels: Business and Economy, California, Chamber of commerce, document capture, San Francisco, silicon valley, Spain, United States
Making New Business Connections with Social Media
Today, getting more traffic and generating more sales will not only involve having a complete website. You need to be your own key person of influence even in social media. This has been the trend now, and it has proven to be successful in earning more potential clients who are always present in the World Wide Web.
Social Media
A bigger bulk of digital users can be found in various social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Linkedln, and more. This is so because these networking sites are outlets for communication, entertainment, information, and more in just one site. They give convenience to users instead of surfing limitlessly.
Marketing Strategy
Invading these social networking sites is your marketing strategy to earn the trust of its millions of subscribers. Through these sites, promoting your company brand is more updated and exciting. You get to add subscribers to your account and turn them into potential clients overnight.
Tips to Adding Your Connections
- Creating An Account – Begin your invasion of the social media by making your company profile account especially in sites where there are millions of subscribers.
- Adding People to Your Network – Then jump straight into adding your friends into your network.
- Short and Concise Introduction – Every invitation to add as a friend to your network should start with an introduction of how you came across his name, and why you wanted to add him into your business network. It is very important to ask for permission especially when it concerns about expanding your network. Also, never entice people you like to add about your business as there should not be any promotional tone in your invitation.
- Join Groups – It may also be a good idea to join groups of the same business nature with yours. There are groups that offer an automatic acceptance while closed groups will have to let you wait for their acceptance via email.
- Create A Group – You could also create your own group and in the long run gather as many members as possible.
- Start Your Discussion – You initiate your own discussion about trending topics or something to do with the following:
- Controversial issues going on locally or globally.
- Share a test case.
- Share free information, news, quotes, and more.
- A hot issue that has become a mass problem.
The “issues” list could go on but you need to carefully scrutinize when you plan to put them on your wall or site. It should not be a vulgar case just to get everyone to join the discussion and give their opinions.
Social Media promises a wider opportunity for you to earn more potential clients by just becoming more involved and responsive. This simple move can go a long way in establishing you or your company as a key person of influence in your niche.
Alisia Goodwin is a freelance blogger and currently writes for Think Big Online, which offers social media optimization services in Australia.
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11:53 p. m.
Labels: Business, facebook, LinkedIn, Marketing strategy, Social media, Social media marketing, Social networking service, Twitter
Why Software Testing is crucial in software development cycle?
Software industry has progressed rapidly since the last fifteen years and the IT boom in the mid-90s has set the new dimensions for the industry. With the launch of smart phones and android evolution, the industry has further flourished as many mobile app development houses mushroomed into the various parts of the world. The trend of e-commerce and online shopping has also played a key role in the growth and expansion of software industry. With the World Wide Web revolution, and the advent of web apps, the software industry is no more limited to single platform and operating system.
These developments in the software industry have triggered the need to hire software engineers. Software development houses have hired large number of IT professionals around the globe to meet the increasing pace of the work. As the competition in the industry reached its peak, testing becomes the crucial step in the software development in order to meet the required standard of quality and customer expectations.
Software testing is now the utmost necessity of the software development companies. As there are so many OS and devices available in the market, apps need to be tested on every device and OS to ensure the functionality, usability and performance. To cater this need and aspect of the software development, many software testing companies have opened around the globe. Software developing companies contact the performance testing services providers to check their app for issues related to stress, strain and load management.
Software testing has numerous types. The objective of the software testing is to find the bugs and flaws, before the final deployment in the software. Many companies have their separate quality assurance departments, to test and validate the software, before delivering it to the final client. However, app developing companies can also outsource the testing department and purchase the services of the testing companies. These testing companies have skilled and experienced testing engineers, with a good knowledge base of using the testing tools. These companies provide wide range of testing services. However, many companies are now offering automation testing services because of its quick result and maximum test coverage.
Software testing is less about coding. Testing is an easy job as compared to developing and designing. Test engineers earn healthy amount of money because of their skill, expertise and knowledge of using test tools and devices. From mobile apps to web, desktop to tablet pc, all apps need testing and this make software testing the most important part of the software development cycle.
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8:32 p. m.
Labels: Commercial Services, Development, Information technology, Operating system, Programming, Software development process, Testing, World Wide Web
Why Should Businesses Invest in Local SEO
Your website will not accomplish anything especially if it’s not optimized for search engines. Creating an appealing site is useless when in the first place; users don’t know that it exists. Make your own niche in the world wide web by using local SEO and eventually your website’s rankings would go up too.
Engaging In Local SEO Services
When SEO is prioritized, you need to start broadening your business locally first. SEO is a step by step process so it may be a good idea to target clients that are within your reach or around your area first. Make sure to cater to a specific group of people who are in dire need of your services and products. This group is easy to catch and would surely appreciate what your company can do for them. Furthermore, you may just be assured of potential and regular clients through them.
What do You Get From Local SEO
There are various advantages of localized SEO that you may find interesting and beneficial for your company.
Enables you to own map listings.
You can set your own page for your business.
With localized SEO, it’s easier for potential clients located near you to find your business and avail of your products and services immediately.
It allows for potential clients to know more about what you can offer them through online reviews.
With your local mapping and marketing strategies, your business will stand out.
These potential customers can conveniently avail of your products and services plus increase your company awareness through their families and friends.
How to Do It
Localized SEO may be achieved in the following ways:
Allowing for information to be available to potential clients about positive feedback from satisfied clients.
Allow your company name or anything that directly leads to your company website to be placed on search engine results page.
For extensive services and accuracy of SEO results, you may seek for professional services from reliable SEO companies.
SEO Company Guide
You may choose to do SEO needed by your company by relying on what knowledge and skills you have, but you may not efficiently target your goal. With dependable SEO companies who are skillful and knowledgeable enough to place your company on search engine results, your company will be known locally in due time. Choose an SEO Company that is:
Highly Knowledgeable – The team should be comprised of professionals who have acquired more than enough education about how SEO works.
Skillful – The professionals should possess proper training and the skills needed in order to achieve SEO for your company website.
Experienced – The team needs to already be in existence for a great number of years with satisfied clients vouching for the company.
Reliable – The Company should be legit as well as trustworthy.
Using SEO to promote your company is an effective way to become a key person of influence in the business world. Make sure to include this in your targeted goals.
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11:15 p. m.
Labels: Business, Company, Search engine optimization, SEO Company, SEO Services, Web Design and Development, Web search engine, Website
The Smart Document Capture System Athento Lands in Argentina with Lakaut SA
Yerbabuena Software, the maker of Athento and the Argentinian document management leader Lakaut SA announced the signing of a commercial partnership that will enable the distribution of innovative Intelligent Document Capture and Document Management Software in Argentina.
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8:17 p. m.
Labels: Argentina, athento, Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, BNP Paribas, document capture, document management, Document management system, silicon valley
Using Google Plus to Drastically Improve your Blog Traffic
(article from - Blogging tutorials, Reviews and Much More)
Google Plus is a powerful tool, it can drastically enhance your website and blog traffic, and it also only requires a couple of minutes each day. The secret is understanding how you can employ this simple strategy. In the following paragraphs I am going to cover all that you need to understand about marketing and promoting your blog using Google Plus.
Organic and Targeted Traffic:
Presently there is speculation that shortly Google Plus may possibly even meet or exceed Facebook in recognition as well as use. If you actually use Facebook, which I’m certain that you do, you are aware how popular it is now. Google Plus is nearly on this same level, and therefore offers you a superb medium for blog and website promotion. Google Plus features a “community” tab, where you can find like-minded communities and individuals, which greatly enhances the amount of targeted or organic page hits you are able to provide for your blog. It's well known that organic and targeted traffic hits are much more effective than regular traffic. These kinds of traffic refer to page views by readers who're actually interested and invested in your website or website’s content. Targeted readers who arrived at your page often stay two times as long, and visit more pages than ordinary traffic.
While Facebook also allows you reach similar audiences and users, you'll have a tendency to blend in with everyone else when advertising on their community pages. I believe, Facebook is much more intended for acquaintances and friends, while Google Plus appears to be designed for businesses and business contacts. Although this is not entirely true, you'll find after executing this tactic, that you get a lot more interest and page views using Google Plus than when using Facebook.
Starting out (if you don't curently have a Google Plus account):
* In case your account is not fully configured I suggest reading this step *
The first place you will need to start is simply by making a Google Plus account, if you don't curently have one. I would recommend going to and registering for a no cost email address. You don't only get a free email which you can use for you blog and business contacts, but it simultaneously generates a linked Google Plus account. I would recommend naming your email something similar or relevant to your blog site, this not only looks more professional, but will also makes it easier for users to make contact with you.
After you have your Google Plus account you will have to configure each one of it’s settings. Please take a second and glance at the settings page by simply clicking your avatar, then clicking account inside the drop down menu. After you have configured your settings it is time to provide an account picture. It is vital for you to include a picture in your account. This creates credibility and enables you stand above the competition. Users without pictures have a tendency to get ignored, or written off as spammers or bots, I highly suggest you upload an image of yourself. You can do this by again simply clicking on your avatar in the top right, then clicking on the empty picture, where it says change photo. Upload the picture then visit your profile page. This is a vital component of Google Plus, since this is the page others will discover whenever they view your profile.
I like to recommend adding a banner on your profile, it will help makes you look more credible and can make users more prone to follow your account. (If you want help developing a custom banner, contact me personally at, and I can make you one in Photoshop).
Don’t forget to complete all of the remaining information on your profile, including: location, bio, credentials, etc. A complete profile will trump and incomplete one any time, I understand it seems simple, however these small steps are what is going to ultimately enable you to get traffic.
Choosing the best communities and making introductions:
Choosing the right communities to promote to is a crucial part of this technique, if you don't carefully select your communities, your marketing efforts will fall on deaf ears. Selecting your communities is simpler than it may seem. Starting off you will need to perform a search for particular communities, for instance blogging, blogs, online marketing, etc. When you start to sign up for communities Google Plus will automatically display related communities to suit your needs, making your selection much simpler. Just be certain that the communities you decide on will likely be interested in what your blog site has to say. Determine, “who is my audience, and just who am I writing for?”
After you have found several communities, I suggest a minimum of 5 - 10 different ones, start by introducing yourself. Introductions are a fundamental part of this tactic, they separate you from the spammers, and provide members with a understanding of who you really are, and just what you are about. An excellent introduction needs to include: Your name, age, company / blog, along with a short bio describing your interested and qualifications. Consider your introduction to be a employment interview of sorts, you would like members to be generally interested in everything you are saying, and also be curious about your links. Google Plus frowns upon spamming and only posting self-promotion links, so just be sure you make an introduction and sometimes post something that isn't promoting or marketing your website.
Selecting your very first article, and start promoting:
Now that you've made a formal introduction within your selected communities, it's about time to begin promoting your posts as well as your blog. This is actually the meat and bones of the strategy, the driving force behind acquiring traffic and taking advantage of Google Plus. Begin by selecting your very best article, or even the one you suspect appeals to the chosen community the best.
If you're posting inside of a web development community, articles on starting your first website will be a perfect fit. Be sure and post a simple description of the article using a catchy tag line for example, “Do you have a small business, but don't want to pay someone to make a website for you? This post will show you the best way to get it done, without having to spend any money!” The description must be made unique for each and every community, never copy your exact description and subject to each community.
Copy and pasting your descriptions can look to the community as spam, because so many people in one community can also be members of another your frequent. Your ultimate goal is always to appear as genuine as you possibly can, while still effectively marketing your website.
Don’t forget to insert a direct hyperlink to your content, give Google a second to load it, and it'll appear beneath your post with a short description of it’s own. After you have completed your very first article, rinse and repeat this technique with all of your communities. I like to recommend joining several new communities each day and posting your content. Whenever you create new articles, come back to your older communities and post them there also. Like I said above, and I cannot stress this enough, develop into a credible member of these communities. Post your insight and opinions regularly, avoid only posting self-promoting content.
Expand your Google Plus circles:
Google Plus includes a feature called circles, well it really is much more of a group I guess. Google Plus circles are groups and members which will view the majority of the articles you write. Whenever you post something on your profile, you're sharing it with all your circles, these are the ones that will view your content and posts the most. Like i said previously, becoming an active member of your communities won't just enable you to appear genuine, but it surely will also enable you to expand your circles and gain followers. Ultimately you would like as many followers as you could possibly get your hands on.
The more members you've got following you, the more your brand-new posts and blog can get seen. There are numerous strategies available to achieve this, however i generally just use one. This tactic is simply sharing others content and posts. Frequently review your Google Plus feed, if you notice something cool or worth sharing, share it! Whenever people see you sharing others posts which contain good, original content they are going to have a tendency to begin following you. In the event you only share your own content you will discover you're going to be very lonely on Google Plus. Also, using other social websites to populate posts may be beneficial. StumbleUpon, Reddit, and Twitter might be good resources to discover quality posts to share. The general guideline is you need to share 3 unique quality posts from somebody else for each and every 1 post you have. Google also enables you to find members by syncing your mail contacts, Yahoo, as well as searching an organization. If you discover a tool that can be used to develop your circles, Utilize it!
Think outside the box. Don’t be considered a follower, sit back and brainstorm an excellent online marketing strategy. Consider what's going to help make your posts and marketing stand above all the others. Make use of community submitted content, offering free downloads, and even starting a small contest. You will notice that people who succeed are pioneers, they're doing something nobody else is. Make an effort to combine proven strategies with your own personal ideas, look for a sweet spot between the two. There are many ways to promote your blog, become the first to discover a new strategy.
Authore Bio: Guest post by Nicholas Rusnak, owner and operator of
Posted by
5:54 a. m.
Labels: Google, Google Plus, online marketing
BYOD and How It's Made Employee Monitoring Software So Important
BYOD and how it’s made employee monitoring software
Smartphones are basically an essential need in an office. Just
about everyone who has something resembling a career will know the
importance of having a smartphone. Not only are they a luxury, but
they are devices that facilitate work and meetings no matter where
one may be. With instant internet access and apps/tools that allow
documents and charts to be dealt with, memos passed around, and
instant video conferencing to take place.
As an employer, it is important to make sure your employees are
equipped with what they need to get their work done, both in and out
of the workplace. But as the times are changing, it is important to
realize that employee monitoring software is becoming equally
Why BYOD is So Desirable
BYOD trends have taken on a lot of importance as more and more
companies end up opting for it. This implies ‘Bring Your Own
Device’ to work. Not only are these strategies cost effective but
they also bring flexibility to workers, allowing them to work with
the familiar both in and out of the workplace. iPass conducted a
survey with telling results; employees using their own devices ended
up contributing 240 hours of more work. But the main aim is,
and always will be, to cut costs. According to a survey by Good
Technology State, 50% of companies that use the BYOD model require
their employees to pay for the devices.
Of course, there are advantages of this strategy but there are
also drawbacks that employers have to deal with. Security becomes a
major threat and point of concern; risks of malware and spyware
penetrating into official servers or networks remain high. The
devices being used are connected with other devices, and hence
infection from any front can cause detrimental damage to whole
networks. Of course, data theft is an equally important threat.
This may occur from negligence on the part of employees or may even
be done intentionally, either way, the need for a check on these
things is apparent.
How Employee Monitoring Fits In
With such problems occurring as a result of BYOD, employee
monitoring of devices takes on more significance as well as
importance. Rather than being a precaution it takes on a form of a
necessity. What an employee is up to on a personal device is likely
to be more of an eye opener than anything else, especially if
websites and flash drives are blocked anyway at the office.
But of course, running a BYOD regime and an employee monitoring
system at the same time are no easy task. In order for monitoring to
be a success, a complete policy detailing the limitations of BYOD
must be drafted and followed through. The policy must focus on the
sorts of devices being used, access rights, tracking and employee
monitoring software as well as remote wipe/lock features, and support
arrangement. This will not only reduce legal tensions but will make
employee monitoring transparent for all workers. The employees should
then be made to accept the terms before bringing in any external
Author Bio:
Natalia David is a huge fan of technology, such as
for employees
especially its use in workplaces. She writes for MobiStealth and can
be contacted @NataliaDavid4.
Read a nice article about MEMS technology.
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1:30 a. m.
Labels: bring your ownd device, BYOD, information mobile, mobile document management, mobile ECM
How to choose the best antivirus software for your PC
How to choose the best antivirus software for your PC?
With the spreading of virus and malware on the Internet, you may
suddenly find that your files deleted, your personal information lost or
your software corrupted without your permissions. Now, there are four
methods to guard your PC against viruses, cloud-based antivirus,
firewalls, on-line scanners and antivirus software.
Most of the software allows users to configure it to automatically scan specific files or directories and prompt users at set intervals to perform complete scans. It is also recommended to manually scan files you receive from an outside source before opening them. Though their functions are similar, there are some aspects we should take into consideration in order to choose the best antivirus software for your PC.
The first thing you have to think about is your operation system. Different antivirus software works for different OS. Make sure your antivirus software version isn't lower than your OS. Meanwhile, if you are really concerned about security and you are still running Windows 7, you can consider upgrading your antivirus software to the version for Windows 8. Unlike the choice of other software, say, the password recovery tools which may work well Windows 2008 password recovery may be useless for Windows 8 password reset. It is supposed that Windows 8 anti-virus software may be more powerful than that for Windows 7. The next step is to check the major certifications and testing agencies to see how the antivirus scanners fare. Agencies include VB100%, AV-Test, AV-Comparatives, Checkmark, ICSA Labs, and NSS Labs. Any reliable antivirus scanner should be listed by most of these antivirus testing agencies.
Besides, the price of the software matters. There is a misunderstanding that commercial tools are more powerful than free ones. Actually, we can also find many useful free tools to satisfy our daily demands. Besides, for different users, their requirements may differ a lot. Some may used the PC mostly for Internet surfing, and others may for games, videos or stocks. For example, a gamer will appreciate antivirus software that recognizes when games or media are being played and suppresses any non-essential alerts or activities.
This year, some AV packages come with tie-ins to so-called cloud services, in which fresh information on new threats pushes down from the vendor's web servers to your PC. If you need to use your PC for some confidential works, you can consider choosing this kind of antivirus tools. In fact, there are other factors can be taken as your basis. For some users, especially some computer newbie, they may also count on antivirus software to be easy to install and use. And when you examine help and support, make sure whether you need 24/7 access to technical support or whether you can make do with fewer hours.
Mike Leo is an editor writing on Windows software including password reset software, antivirus software, and any other software needed to secure Windows operation systems. He is now living in Washington and also runs a small publishing house with his friend.
Posted by
Antonio de las Nieves Stoner
12:16 a. m.
Labels: malware, password reset recovery, virus
Guest post @
So I did a nice post about content marketing vs traditional marketing from a Marketo infographic. Read it here. I gave some insights and thoughts about content marketing, the growing trend in online marketing these days, with a focus on technology startups.
Let me know your thoughts!
Posted by
Antonio de las Nieves Stoner
7:20 p. m.
Labels: marketo, online marketing,
Qué Es Un Gestor Documental Normal?
Mi compañera Verónica Meza lo ha vuelto a bordar con un post muy interesante de gestión documental, con un análisis concienzudo entre las diferencias de los sistemas de ficheros (file sharing) tipo Dropbox o los ECM tipo Alfresco, Documentum y Sharepoint.
Qué Es Un Gestor Documental Normal? ~ Blog de Gestión Documental Inteligente - Athento
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7:14 a. m.
Labels: alfresco, Document management system, Documentum, Dropbox, ECM, Filesharing, gestion documental, Kofax, Microsoft SharePoint, Nuxeo
Legal Document Capture
We've talked over and over in this blog about Document Capture previously in this blog. But this time we are going to focus on legal document capture which, in short, is taking capture technologies like OCR, document auto-tagging or keyword extraction to the legal sector.
The law industry in the US is huge. It's one of the largest of the world. In fact the US produces 38,000 new lawyers every year. Some say that the US has more lawyers than the rest of the world combined, although this has not being confirmed.
Well the fact is the problem is there. Thousands of lawyers using paper. And the lawyers here in Silicon Valley, the guys from Fenwick & West, DLA Piper, SNR Denton or the likes deal with contracts that are being sent through courier everyday.
Around North San Jose I see tons of Iron Mountain and Recall trucks, loaded of paper I guess.
There are some solutions addressing this problem. Since long ago, document management solutions like Hummingbird (acquired by OpenText) and Autonomy (acquired by HP) have tried to solve the problems of law firms with not much of a success. Not even law firms have been able to build good enough products over platforms like Sharepoint.
But the problem is really simple: reducing labour force and concentrating in your hardcore value: legal expertise. And the redundant labour force is very clear: the so called "Executive Assistants" or EAs, in a 1 for every 2 lawyers ratio. Things like receiving letters or emails, or even answering the phone (which escapes our scope and has been already addressed).
Take a look at one of the ways that we are trying to tackle this problem using Athento with this video:
Legal Document Capture from Athento on Vimeo.
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Posted by
Antonio de las Nieves Stoner
3:20 a. m.
Labels: athento, document capture, Lawyer, Open Text Corporation, Optical character recognition, silicon valley